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Precious Cargo

Schooling and Breaking

Rebecca is very experienced with young horses and ponies and from childhood has had a natural affinity with horses, taking on her first 'problem' pony aged 11. Tara was an "unrideable bucking bronco" and took the 11 yr old Rebecca 5 months to have competition ready; she showjumped him affiliated successfully for 2 years.

Rebecca has developed her own style over her years of experience whilst breaking horses which combines aspects of natural horsemanship, traditional horsemanship, her own instinct and deep seated passion for horses, to achieve mutual respect with them.

Whether you require a horse producing for sale or educating in a particular discipline Rebecca's varied history from riding dressage youngsters to point to pointers gives her the skills to help you and your horse go forward.She has an emphasis on treating each horse as an individual, as well as the position of the rider and basic fundamentals on the flat and likes to work closely with the rider to develop "feel" and a happy partnership with their horse.

Breaking usually takes 6 weeks and involves handling, groundwork, the paces, hacking, introduction to jumping and bonding with the long term rider [owner]. It includes full livery; grazing, bedding, haylage, hard feed, grooming,rug changing etc and use of the facilities by the owner in their own time. The horse or pony is worked 6 days per week with a rest day, with a high level of individual horsecare from Rebecca herself at all times.

is offered as a short term package or longer term; up to 3 months depending on what skills and muscle tone the horse needs to develop.  Rebecca believes very strongly that these things take time and patience to come to fruition; nothing that is forced will ever be maintained!
The rider is encouraged to be involved and develop their own skills, understanding and muscle tone!

Breaking and Schooling are both charged at £140 per week. Any type of training has full livery with a high level of individual care and attention to detail to meet the client's requirements: inclusive of top quality grazing, haylage, bedding, feed, daily grooming and stable care... and work period [usually expected to be 1 hour per day dependent on individual]

Please contact Rebecca to discuss breaking or schooling in detail.